引用本文:马 萌1,2,韦才敏1,2,李忠萍3.基于分级诊疗体系的转诊与政府投资决策研究[J].经济数学,2020,(4):130-140
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马 萌1,2,韦才敏1,2,李忠萍3 (1.汕头大学 数学系广东 汕头 5150632.汕头大学 数字信号与图像处理技术重点实验室广东 汕头 5150633.大连理工大学 管理学院辽宁 大连 116024) 
中文关键词:M/M/1排队  分级诊疗  政府投资策略  转诊策略
Referral and Government Investment Decision-Making Study Based on Hierarchical Medical System
Abstract:In view of the problem that downward referral is more difficult than upward referral caused by the lack of service capacity of primary medical institutions in the hierarchical healthcare systems in China, this paper studies the government investment in community hospital service capacity in order to promote patients' referral. By establishing the four-stage queuing game, this paper studies the patients' referral strategy to maximize the expected benefit of the high-level hospital, the planning of the community hospital service capacity to maximize the patient's utility, the investment strategy of government funds to maximize the total patients' utility and patient's selection to maximize its expected utility. It shows that 1) The expected benefit of the high-level hospital is affected by the amount of government investment. When the amount of government investment is insufficient, the expected benefit of the high-level hospital can only reach the second-best; 2) The referral rate of patients in high-level hospitals is affected by the treatment price of the high-level hospitals and the amount of government funds; 3) In terms of the total patients' utility maximization, although the total patients' utility increases with the increase of government investment, from the perspective of the government, the amount of government investment should not be too large.
keywords:M/M/1 queueing  hierarchical healthcare  government investment strategy  referral strategy
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