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王丽芳1,赵焕焕2 (1.江南大学 商学院江苏 无锡 2141222.无锡职业技术学院 管理学院江苏 无锡 214121) 
中文关键词:渠道冲突  自有品牌  对偶  定价  协调成本
A Pricing Approach for the Retailer's Own Brand Product Considering Channel Conflict in the Supply Chain
Abstract:Pricing of private brand products is the core problem for retailers to implement channel management under the E-commerce environment, which has a direct impact on retailer profit and supply chain stability performance. In view of this, with respect to the problem of retailer's own brand pricing in the conflict of supply chain channel, from the angle of coordination, based on duality theory and optimization model, a pricing decision method for the retailer's own brand product based on minimum coordination cost is established, and then it is exploited to analyze the economic significance of coordination, and to solve the optimal pricing of retailers' own-brand products. The results show that the proposed model can effectively describe and solve the pricing problem of retailers' own-brand products, eliminate supply chain channel conflicts to a certain extent, and ensure long-term effective cooperation between suppliers and retailers and sustainable development of supply chain.
keywords:channel conflict  private brand  dual theory  pricing  coordination cost
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