引用本文:崔 璐,荣喜民.随机环境下具有最低担保约束的DC养老金鲁棒投资策略[J].经济数学,2020,(4):27-37
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崔 璐,荣喜民 (天津大学 数学学院天津 300350) 
中文关键词:随机利率  随机波动  模糊厌恶  随机控制  DC养老金  最低约束
Robust Investment Strategy of DC Pension with Minimum Guarantee Constraints in Stochastic Environment
Abstract:In view of the problems encountered in pension management in recent years, based on the uncertainty of the model, the optimal investment strategy of DC pensions that takes into account the random environment and the constraints of retirement protection is of great significance. With the goal of maximizing the ultimate value of pensions relative to the expected utility of the invariable relative risk aversion of the post-retirement annuity guarantee, using the method of stochastic dynamic programming, the robust optimal investment strategy and the corresponding value function are obtained. Finally, through numerical analysis, the influence of each parameter on the optimal investment strategy is obtained.
keywords:stochastic rate of interest  stochastic volatility  ambiguity aversion  stochastic control  DC pension  minimum constraint
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