基于异质参与者的最优歧视性竞赛规则研究 |
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引用本文:王春雷,潘佳玉.基于异质参与者的最优歧视性竞赛规则研究[J].经济数学,2020,(3):202-207 |
摘要点击次数: 480 |
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中文摘要:基于Tullock(1980)的寻租竞赛模型,在多个异质参与者竞赛且成本函数为二次型的条件下,设计歧视性竞赛规则最大化参与者的总体努力水平.借鉴Cornes and Hartley(2005)的思路提出一种简便的求解方法,使得无论竞赛参与者规模有多大,只需要求解一个一元方程就可得到均衡结果.分析结果表明,竞赛参与者规模对竞赛均衡结果及歧视性竞赛规则设计具有显著影响,即使竞赛参与者只有两类,且每类参与者人数相等,也不能直接简化成两人竞赛模型. |
中文关键词:竞赛 规则 歧视 均衡 |
Study on Optimal Discriminatory Contest Rule Based on Heterogeneous Participants |
Abstract:Based on the Tullock (1980) rent-seeking model, this paper analyzes how to design a discriminatory contest rule to maximize the overall effort level of participants in a contest with multiple heterogeneous participants and the cost function is quadratic. This paper draws on the idea of Cornes and Hartley (2005) to propose a simple solution method, so that no matter how large the contest participants are, we only need to solve a one-element equation to get the equilibrium result. The analysis shows that the size of the contest participants has a significant impact on the contest's equilibrium results and the design of discriminatory contest rules. Even if there are only two types of contest participants, and the number of participants in each class is equal, it cannot be directly reduced to a two-player contest model. |
keywords:contest rule discrimination equilibrium |
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