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曾惠芳1,熊培银2 (1.湖南科技大学 商学院,湖南 湘潭 411201
2.湖南科技大学 信息与电气工程学院,湖南 湘潭 411201) 
中文关键词:气候变化  社会碳成本  贝叶斯分析  不确定性
Bayesian-Uncertainty Analysis for the Social Cost of Carbon Based on Prior Information
Abstract:According to numerous uncertainties in climate change and its economic impacts, we study the effect of potentially severe climate change and prior knowledge on the social cost of carbon. Under Bayesian framework, it is supposed that the probability distribution for temperature change is the exponential distribution. Combining data with gamma prior information, we derive the prior predictive distribution for temperature change. We find that the prior predictive distribution is fat tailed because of prior information. It indicates that the prior information makes the possibility of rare event more large. Furthermore, we derive the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) based on exponential distribution and the prior predictive distribution. The results show that, while no Bayesian learning, the curve of SCC under limit case is almost overlapping with the curve of SCC under un-limit case if the true climate sensitivity is distributed exponential, since observations near the mean provide evidence against fat tails. However, considering the Bayesian learning, the SCC under un-limit case changes more rapidly than the SCC under limit case if the true climate sensitivity is fat tailed because of the prior knowledge.
keywords:climate change  social cost of carbon (SCC)  Bayesian analysis  uncertainty
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