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陶为群 (中国人民银行 南京分行江苏 南京 210004) 
中文关键词:政治经济学  对外贸易  社会再生产  线性系统  演化
An Analysis about Evolution of the Social Reproduction with Foreign Trade
Abstract:For the social reproduction with foreign trade, the net export dependence of capital goods means or consumer goods is external conditions parameters, which affects the evolution of social reproduction. Mathematically, the evolution of the social reproduction with foreign trade can be reduced to a recursive problem of two-dimensional linear system with controlled variable coefficients and external parameters. According to the realization conditions of the social reproduction with foreign trade, the evolution equation of the reproduction with foreign trade was established, and also the transfer matrix of evolution and its characteristic values were obtained. The evolution of the reproduction with foreign trade also includes the evolution of classical Marx's social reproduction. An example calculation shows the evolution of the social reproduction with foreign trade.
keywords:practical economics  foreign trade  social reproduction  linear system  evolution
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