引用本文:陈飞跃1 ,陈 煜1,杨 蓉1,龚海文2.混合分数布朗运动下分离交易可转债的定价[J].经济数学,2020,(3):133-138
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陈飞跃1 ,陈 煜1,杨 蓉1,龚海文2 (1.保险职业学院 金融系湖南 长沙 4101142.长沙理工大学 数学与计算科学学院湖南 长沙 410114) 
中文关键词:可分离交易可转债  混合分数布朗运动  期权  无套利定价原理
The Pricing for Separable and Convertible Bonds in the Mixed Fractional Brownian Motion
Abstract:This paper builds the pricing finance market partial differential equation of separable and convertible bonds, supposing the stock price driven by the mixed Fractional Brownian motion and market interest rate following Vasicek prcess. We deduce the pricing display solution of separable and convertible bonds by solving partial differential equation and utilizing no arbitrage pricing principle.
keywords:separable and convertible bonds  fractional Brownian motion  option  no arbitrage pricing principle
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