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潘宇桐,孙英隽 (上海理工大学 管理学院上海 200093) 
中文关键词:数量经济学  信用风险预警  加权支持向量机  环保企业
〗Financial Risk Early Warning Model of Private Environmental Companies Based on Weighted Support Vector Machine
Abstract:In 2019, China still maintaines a steady top position in the world in terms of the volume of green bond issued, making it an important financing channel for private environmental companies. However, a large number of financial risk events involving environmental companies since 2018 ring an alarm bell for us, pointing to a pressing need to construct a financial risk early warning mechanism suitable for private environmental companies. However, the environmental industry as an emerging industry is dominated by state-owned enterprises, which means sample data of private companies is characterized by smaller size and high dimensions. Traditional credit risk models have a low adaptability in addressing these problems. In this paper, a weighted support vector machine (WSVM) is presented, and based on different weights assigned to various types of samples, a large number of financial features are selected to construct a risk early warning model. The study shows that the WSVM model has a fairly good early warning performance. Given the characteristics of environmental companies such as long payback cycle and high upfront investment, it is recommended that financial management be strengthened to ensure the liquidity of assets and to construct a sophisticated industrial chain.
keywords:quantitative economics  financial risk early warning  weighted support vector machine  environmental companies
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