引用本文:李 波,何启志.Kopel寡头博弈模型的演化分析[J].经济数学,2020,(3):9-15
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李 波,何启志 (安徽财经大学 金融学院 安徽 蚌埠 233030) 
中文关键词:数量经济学;复杂寡头博弈现象;非线性动力学;Kopel寡头模型  均衡分析
Dynamic Analysis of Kopel Duopoly Model
Abstract:As one of two-parameter bifurcation cases, 1∶4 resonance of a discrete Kopel duopoly model is considered by the theory of nonlinear dynamics. Compared with one-parameter bifurcation cases, bifurcation distributions are described in the neighborhood of the two-parameter bifurcation point-1∶4 resonance, as the degenerate case of one-parameter bifurcation cases and numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the complex dynamics.
keywords:quantitative economics  complex phenomena of oligopoly model  nonlinear dynamics  Kopel duopoly model  equilibrium analysis
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