引用本文:周 猛 麟.金融可得性对绿色全要素生产率的影响[J].经济数学,2020,(2):96-103
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周 猛 麟 (中国人民银行 湘西土家族苗族自治州中心支行,湖南 吉首 416000) 
中文关键词:金融学  金融与绿色生产  面板向量自回归  金融可得性  绿色全要素生产率
The Impact of Financial Availability to Green Total Factor Productivity
Abstract:Panel data of 31 provinces in China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) from 2007 to 2017 were collected, and panel vector autoregressive model was used to study the influence of financial availability on green total factor productivity. The results show that, there is an unidirectional causal relationship between financial availability and green total factor productivity, and financial availability has a significant positive effect on green total factor productivity.
keywords:finance  finance and green production  panel vector autoregressive model  financial availability  green total factor productivity
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