引用本文:陶 为 群.三方相互体谅讨价还价模型[J].经济数学,2020,(2):80-87
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陶 为 群 (中国人民银行 南京分行江苏 南京 210004) 
中文关键词:产业经济学  讨价还价  合作博弈  相互体谅  适应性预期
A Bargaining Model of Mutual Considerate between Three Players
Abstract:For the more important problem of tripartite cooperative game of interest distribution, mutual consideration was taken as the basic principle and based on an adaptive expectation model, a tripartite mutual considerate bargaining model was established. Using this model and according to mathematics, the result that the three players obtained bargain equilibriumaccording to mutual consideration can be concluded as a combination of the convergence of monotone solution series with the solution of a linear difference equations system which is of non-homogeneous constant coefficients variables. By solving the model, the paper generally revealed the process and result about the three parties' bargaining and reaching equilibrium while according to mutual consideration. It also was clarified that there are unique solution and sufficient and necessary conditions satisfying the initial condition, and the economic and mathematical meanings of the necessary and sufficient conditions. The tripartite mutual consideratebargaining model is an extension of the two-party considerate bargaining model, which can provide reference for the establishment ofa bargaining model with more parties according to mutual consideration.
keywords:industrcal economics  bargain  cooperation game  considerate each other  adaptive expectation
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