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公彦德,任丽媛 (南京审计大学 商学院江苏 南京 211815) 
中文关键词:产业经济学  闭环供应链  博弈论  企业社会责任
Research on Closed-Loop Supply Chain Strategy Based on Different Modes of Social Responsibility
Abstract:Supply chain members have their own preference choices for different social responsibility commitment models, and exploring the impact of supply chain members' social responsibilities on supply chain decisions. For any possible mode of social responsibility, corporate social responsibility will reduce product sales prices, increase demand and recycled quantity. Although corporate social responsibility will reduce its own benefits, the benefits of other members and systems will increase, which will help increase consumer surplus and maximize social welfare. When the degree of social responsibility assumed is large, the member of the supply chain can maintain long-term cooperative relations and make the supply chain operate normally. When the degree of social responsibility assumed is relatively small, it will be difficult to maintain supply chain cooperation due to the contradiction between the supply chain members' preference for social responsibility commitment mode, which will eventually lead to the supply chain breaking.
keywords:industrial economics, closed-loop supply chain, game theory, corporate social responsibility
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