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陈一鸣,张琼思,范辰,贺正楚 (长沙理工大学 经济与管理学院,湖南 长沙 410114) 
中文关键词:补偿契约  渠道整合  利润分配  收益共享契约
Coordination Strategy of Fresh Supply Chain under Channel Integration
Abstract:Such a supply chain is considered where the supplier has two product handling methods: on the one hand, the product is supplied to the offline retailer; on the other hand, the product is sold directly to the consumer online. After signing the agreement, the two companies cooperate in online and offline integration. This paper establishes a channel integration model of “online ordering, offline distribution” for fresh products where product freshness affects market demand, from the perspective of consumer purchasing behavior and direct competition between retailer and direct seller, and analyzes pricing strategy and coordinated strategy in the supply chain.
keywords:additional compensation  online and offline integration  profit distribution  revenue-sharing contract
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