引用本文:林 宇1,周 慧2,3,胡 倩1.基于GM(1,1)模型的中国体育产业增加值和总规模的预测[J].经济数学,2019,(4):106-110
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林 宇1,周 慧2,3,胡 倩1 (1. 济宁医学院 基础医学院山东 济宁 2720672. 山东大学 体育学院山东 济南 2500613. 曲阜师范大学日照校区 体育教学部山东 日照 276826) 
中文关键词:数理经济学  灰色预测  GM(1,1)模型  体育产业
Application of the Grey Prediction Model GM(1,1)on the Chinese Sports Industry’s Development Forecast
Abstract:Based on the data of the Chinese sports industry from 2006 to 2017, and the grey prediction model GM(1,1) is applied to calculate the future development trend of the Chinese sports industry. The results show that the average relative errors are 0.28% and 2.64% respectively, the posterior error ratios are 0.079 and 0.095 respectively, and all the small probability errors are 1. The precision of the prediction model is super and the forecast results are credible and reliable. The results show that the Chinese sports industry will be a booming industry.
keywords:mathematical economics  grey prediction  model GM(1,1)  sports industry
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