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马饶晴1,牛雨飞1,张理想2 (1.伦敦大学国王学院 金融数学英国 伦敦 SE5 9RJ
2.湖南大学 数学与计量经济学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文摘要:提出了基于随机控制优化奇异衍生品交易策略的方法,并应用于Merton经典模型和Almgren-Chriss(非)线性价格影响模型:首先,根据选定的效用函数计算出值函数;再由值函数推导出HJB方程;然后,计算HJB方程最大值函数的解,即理论的最优交易策略π*t;最后,使用Monte Carlo方法完成数值分析,验证理论结果.
中文关键词:随机控制  值函数  HJB方程  最优交易策略  Merton模型  Almgren-Chriss(非)线性价格影响模型
Stochastic Control for Optimal Exotic Derivative Trading Strategies
Abstract:We present the process of optimizing exotic derivative trading strategies using stochastic control method and apply it to the classical Merton problem and Almgren-Chriss (non-)linear price impact model. The main idea of solving the stochastic control problem is calculating the value function by using the given utility function. According to the value function, we write down the HJB equation. Then computing the part of sup function in HJB equation, we get the optimal trading strategy π*t. At last, Monte Carlo simulation is used to analyze numerically and to verify the conclusions.
keywords:stochastic control  value function  HJB equation  optimal trading strategy  Merton problem  Almgren-Chriss (non-)linear price impact model
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