两个企业竞争与合作动力学模型的动力学行为 |
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引用本文:艾合麦提 ·麦麦提阿吉1, 穆沙江 · 努热吉2.两个企业竞争与合作动力学模型的动力学行为[J].经济数学,2019,(4):94-98 |
摘要点击次数: 708 |
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中文摘要:研究了非自治两个企业竞争与合作动力学模型的动力学行为.首先利用微分方程比较原理得到了模型的有界性、持久性和灭绝性的充分条件.然后通过构造Lyapunov 函数得到了模型的全局吸引性的充分条件.最后针对所得到的理论结果给出了例子和数值模拟. |
中文关键词:竞争与合作模型 有界性 持久性 灭绝性 全局吸引性 |
Dynamical Behavior of Competition and Cooperation Dynamical Model of Two Enterprises |
Abstract:This paper studies a class of non-autonomous competition and cooperation dynamical model of two enterprises. Firstly, we obtain some sufficient conditions on the boundedness, permanence, extinction of the model by using the comparison method. Secondly, we obtain some sufficient conditions on the global attractivity of the system by means of the construction of Lyapunov functional. Finally, a numerical simulation is given to verify the effectiveness of the obtained results. |
keywords:competition and cooperation model boundedness permanence extinction global attractivity |
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