我国固定资产投资对经济发展影响的区域性差异——基于省级面板数据 |
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引用本文:曾兆祥,朱玉林.我国固定资产投资对经济发展影响的区域性差异——基于省级面板数据[J].经济数学,2019,(4):88-93 |
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中文摘要:根据我国固定资产投资对经济发展影响区域性差异,以省级面板数据为基础建立回归模型,分析了不同地区的固定资产投资对经济发展作用效果的大小和差异.结果表明,固定资产投资是我国经济发展的主要驱动力,具体而言,固定资产投资对经济发展影响最大的地区是北京和上海,其次是重庆、内蒙古、吉林,再次是四川、西藏以及大部分东部沿海地区,然后是广大的中西部地区,最后是河北、黑龙江、海南以及西北部的一些地区.因此,固定投资效果与经济发展水平存在一定关系. |
中文关键词:投资经济学;固定投资;地区性差异;单变量线性回归模型 变系数模型 |
Regional Difference in the Impact of Fixed Investment on Economic Development in China——Based on Provincial Panel Data |
Abstract:According to the regional difference of fixed asset investment's influence on economic development in China, we use a regression model based on provincial panel data to analyze the influence of fixed asset investment on economic development in different regions and the difference among them. The results show that fixed asset investment is the main driving force for economic development of China. Specifically, the regions where fixed asset investment has the greatest impact on economic development are Beijing and Shanghai, followed by Chongqing, Inner Mongolia and Jilin. Then came Sichuan, Tibet and most of the eastern seaboard, then the vast midwest, and finally Hebei, Heilongjiang, Hainan, and parts of the northwest. Therefore, there is a certain relationship between the fixed investment and the level of economic development. |
keywords:investment economics fixed investment regional differences univariate linear regression model varying-coefficient model |
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