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安景文,潘莹雪 (中国矿业大学(北京) 管理学院北京 100089) 
中文关键词:人力资本  物质资本  经济增长  有效劳动模型
Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Human Capital and Economic Growth in Shandong Province
Abstract:By adopting the effective labor model, using the statistical data of Shandong province during 1978-2016, and using the factor analysis method, this paper measures human capital stock, perpetual inventory cost calculation of material capital, and analyzes the relationship between human capital and economic growth in Shandong province. The results show that human capital has a promoting effect on economic growth in Shandong province, and has more than material capital investment to promote economic growth, but the level of the actual contribution to economic growth is lower than the material capital. In order to give full play to the role of human capital in promoting economic growth, this paper puts forward some suggestions, such as increasing education investment, accelerating the construction of education, adopting the policy of flexible talent attraction and adjusting industrial structure.
keywords:human capital  material capital  economic growth  effective labor mode
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