引用本文:覃燕红,白 萌.利他偏好下供应链效率和公平度动态演进研究[J].经济数学,2019,(4):32-40
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覃燕红,白 萌 (重庆理工大学 管理学院重庆 400054) 
中文关键词:供应链效率  利他偏好  信息非对称  公平度  动态演进
Dynamic Evolution of Supply Chain Efficiency and Fairness Degree by Altruism Preference
Abstract:According to the asymmetry and dynamic evolution characteristic of the retailer's altruism preference information, the altruism preference information structure is divided into four evolution stages. By analyzing the efficiency and fairness of supply chain in each stage,the retailer’s altruistic behavior does not change the profit of supply chain when the information is symmetric but changes the profit distribution of each member, and plays the role of “supply chain profit distribution mechanism”. The subjective efficiency of supply chain is always not lower than the objective efficiency, the subjective fairness of the supply chain is always not lower than the objective fairness; from the subjective evaluation of the supply chain can achieve coordination, and the retailer’s altruism preference can encourage supply chain balance efficiency and fairness.
keywords:supply chain efficiency  altruism preference  information asymmetry  fairness degree  dynamic evolution
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