引用本文:王 青 壮.我国固定资产投资边际效率问题研究[J].经济数学,2019,(4):27-31
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王 青 壮 (中国建设银行股份有限公司,北京 100033) 
中文关键词:GDP总量  固定资产投资完成额  经济结构调整  回归分析  边际效率
Research on Marginal Efficiency of Fixed Assets Investment in China
Abstract:This paper combines regression ananlysis with marginal utility theory to intensively study the marginal contribution of fixed assets investment to GDP in China. The results show that the marginal contribution to GDP of fixed assets investment of high tech industry is higher than that of fixed assets investment of whole society and urban real estate development in the whole real number range. The marginal contribution of fixed assets investment to GDP in urban real estate development is higher than the average contribution of fixed assets investment in the whole society in the investment range from 0 to 34957.820 billion yuan. When the amount of investment is more than 349578.8207 billion yuan, the marginal contribution to GDP of fixed assets investment in urban real estate development is less than the average contribution of fixed assets investment in the whole society.The research results confirm the conclusion that science and technology are the primary productivity, and also coincide with the macroeconomic policies such as controlling investment in real estate development and encouraging the development of high-tech industries.
keywords:total GDP  fixed asset capacity investment  economic restructurin  regression analysis  marginal efficiency
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