引用本文:刘亦文 1,2 ,厉 亚 3 ,李 毅 1,2 ,邓晶晶 1.精准扶贫视角下湖南省贫困治理绩效评价研究[J].经济数学,2019,(2):95-103
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刘亦文 1,2 ,厉 亚 3 ,李 毅 1,2 ,邓晶晶 1 (1.湖南商学院 国际商学院湖南 长沙 4102052.湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙 4100793.湖南大学 期刊社湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文摘要:构建湖南省贫困治理评价指标体系,运用湖南省51个扶贫开发重点县 2014-2017年数据,对湖南省贫困治理绩效进行实证分析,实证分析结果显示:湖南省精准扶贫的贫困治理绩效显著,但减贫边际效应递减;精准扶贫具有缩小贫富差距、改善贫困人口生活条件、促进贫困地区公共服务发展的突出效果.在此基础上,对湖南省的精准扶贫目标完成进度进行评估,评估结果为:在原有扶贫政策措施作用下,依照湖南省2014-2017年的减贫速度,湖南省2020年精准扶贫的预期目标可基本完成,贫困发生率和农民人均可支配收入两个目标甚至可以提前完成.但消除绝对贫困的目标任重道远,预计2020年仍有百万农村人口处于贫困状态.
中文关键词:湖南省  贫困治理  精准扶贫
Research on performance Evaluation of Poverty Governance in Hunan Province base on the Perspective of Precision Poverty Alleviation
Abstract:This paper constructs the Performance Evaluation Index System on the Anti-Poverty Program in Hunan Province, and empirically studies the performance of anti-poverty program in Hunan using data in 51 key counties for anti-poverty program in Hunan during the 2014-2017 period. Empirical results show that significant progress has been made by targeted anti-poverty program in Hunan, but marginal effect of alleviating poverty is diminishing, and that targeted poverty alleviation is conductive to narrowing income gap, ameliorating living conditions of the poor, and improving the public service in poverty areas. In this regard, this paper evaluates the completion progress of the goal of Hunan’s targeted anti-poverty program. We find that given the original anti-poverty policies, the desired goal of targeted anti-poverty program for the year 2020 in Hunan may be completed in accordance with the speed of poverty reduction between 2014 and 2017, and may even reach ahead of time the goal with regard to poverty occurrence rate and farmer’s disposable income per capita, but there is still a long way to go before absolute poverty is eliminated. It is expected that by the year 2020 as many as one million rural population would still live in poverty.
keywords:Hunan Province  Anti-Poverty Program  Precision poverty alleviation
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