引用本文:方 军,李星野 .基于协整理论的DFT-GARCH模型的统计套利研究[J].经济数学,2019,(2):57-62
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方 军,李星野  (上海理工大学 管理学院上海 200093) 
中文关键词:数量经济学  统计套利  协整理论  GARCH模型  离散Fourier变换
Statistical Arbitrage Research of DFT-GARCH Model Based on Cointegration Theory
Abstract:Most of the existing statistical arbitrage strategies are based on the cointegration theory and the GARCH model. The idea of discrete Fourier transform (DFT) can exploit the periodic and nonlinear characteristics of the spread sequence to ensure its accuracy in fitting and prediction. Using the closing price data of copper futures contract in the Shanghai futures exchanges for empirical analysis, the results show that under the high-frequency data, the new model fits and predicts the data better than the traditional arbitrage model. Under the same trading rules, the arbitrage success rate and yield of the new model are higher than the traditional one.
keywords:statistical arbitrage  cointegration theory  GARCH model  discrete Fourier transformation
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