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和占琼,彭嘉茜,柴正猛 (昆明理工大学 管理与经济学院,云南 昆明 650093) 
中文关键词:金融学  羊群效应  马尔科夫转换模型
Research on Herding Behavior of A-share Real Estate Sector in China
Abstract:Empirical research using the CSAD model,the Markov-switching model and GARCH model show that the A-share real estate sector in China has obvious herding effects and has the following characteristics: asymmetry, the expansion period is more significant than the recession period; scale difference, the large-sized stock is more significant than small and medium-sized stocks; the asymmetry of real estate policies, herding effect is contagious among industrial chain, the herding effects in the upstream and downstream industries imitate that of real estate sector; Both non-systematic risks and systemic risks have had an impact on the herding effect of the A-share real estate sector, and systemic risk has a greater impact.
keywords:finance  herding behavior  Markov-switching model
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