引用本文:张学新 1 ,周泳岑 2.武汉空气质量预测及受周边城市污染影响分析[J].经济数学,2019,(2):42-48
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张学新 1 ,周泳岑 2 (1.湖北工程学院 数学与统计学院, 湖北 孝感 432000 2. 武汉市外国语学校,湖北 武汉 430022) 
中文摘要:利用武汉及其周边城市长沙、南昌、合肥、襄阳、孝感等城市空气质量指数(AQI)及相关污染物数据,探索了武汉市空气质量指数的统计分布规律及空气污染治理效果的评价问题,给出了能较好预测空气质量指数等级的推理规则.用统计模型分析武汉及周边大中城市的SO2 等空气污染物之间的传播及相互影响.
中文关键词:环境经济学  空气污染影响机制  规则模型预测  空气质量  因果检验  协整关系
Prediction of Air Quality in Wuhan and Analysis of the Influence on its Air Pollution Exerted by Those of Surrounding Cities
Abstract:The data of air quality index(AQI) and related pollutants in Wuhan and in its surrounding cities such as Changsha, Nanchang, Hefei, Xiangyang and Xiaogan are used in this paper.Then, the statistical distribution of air quality (AQI) in Wuhan and a scientific evaluation of the effect of pollution control and management are explored. More importantly, some inference rules are obtained which can well predict the air quality (AQI) level. Finally, by applying some statistical regression mode, the spread and interaction between air pollutants such as SO 2 in atmosphere of Wuhan and its surrounding cities has been analyzed.
keywords:environmental economics  impact mechanism of air pollution  rule-based model forecast  air quality  testing for causality  cointegration relation
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