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宋晓琳 (辽宁师范大学 数学学院, 辽宁 大连 116029) 
中文关键词:威布尔分布  帕累托(Ⅳ)分布  T-X分布  EM算法
The Weibull-Pareto(Ⅳ) Distribution:Properties and Applications
Abstract:We used T-X transform techniques to combine the two distributions, built the Weibull-Pareto (Ⅳ) distribution and studied the related statistical properties, including the limit, unimodal, shannon entropy and moment etc. Two groups of classic data distribution were fitting by using the R language.The comparison of parameter estimation and fit optimization of several models were given.And according to the likelihood ratio test for Weibull-Pareto (Ⅳ) distribution and several other distribution analysis of the contrast,the results show that Weibull-Pareto(Ⅳ) distribution has a better fitting effect.
keywords:Weibull distribution  Pareto(Ⅳ) distribution  T-X family of distributions  EM algorithm
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