引用本文:彭 花1,侯新华2,贺正楚3,唐 青3.制造业企业青年技术人才工匠精神影响因素的三个维度:产品、工作和技术[J].经济数学,2018,(4):96-101
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彭 花1,侯新华2,贺正楚3,唐 青3 (1.长沙民政职业技术学院湖南 长沙 4100042.湖南工业职业技术学院湖南 长沙 4102083.长沙理工大学湖南 长沙 410114)) 
中文关键词:青年技术人才  工匠精神  因子分析  影响因素
Three Dimensions of Influencing Factors of Craftsman Spirit in Manufacturing Enterprise's Young Technical Talents:Products,Work and Technology
Abstract:Craftsmanship spirit of manufacturing enterprise’s young technical talents in the Yangtze Delta has been investigated.This paper finds that the craftsmanship spirit can be reflected in the three dimensions of product,work and technology.Most young technical talents are willing to adoption and develop craftsmanship spirit. The conclusion is based on factor analysis, and the main factors affecting the craftsmanship spirit include:1) satisfaction of young technical talents with enterprise management system;2)the pursuit of craftsman spirit by young technical talents and craftsman spirit fostered by social environment;3)working attitude and professional achievement of young technical talents;4)satisfaction of young technical talents with government management systems and policies.Some secondary factors of the above factors are positively affecting the craftsmanship spirit of young technical talents,which include: 1) Accept the spirit of craftsmen and easy to be infected by the spirit of craftsmen: when propagating the spirit of craftsmen will be ideologically touched, on the excellent craftsmen stories of news reports, ready to learn from excellent craftsmen; 2) love and dedication to work: strong sense of responsibility, enthusiasm and enthusiasm for work; 3) take root in the post: work, love, love, love, and work. 4) policy orientation: relevant policies formulated by the government.
keywords:young technical talents  craftsmanship spirit  factor analysis  influencing factors
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