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阳彩霞 (华南理工大学广州学院 计算机工程学院广东 广州 510800) 
中文关键词:能源规划  满意度方法  混合整数线性规划  最好最优解  最差最优解
Uncertainty Optimization Model and Its Solution for Renewable Energy System
Abstract:According to the new satisfaction degree method and the mixed integer programming method, a renewable energy planning model under polymorphic uncertainty was given here. This model describes the complexity, systematic, dynamic and uncertainty of renewable energy management system with multi-city, multi-period, multi-energy and multi-sector. The example results show that the model can well reflect the relationship between energy security, system reliability and system cost. It can also give energy configuration way under different level of system violation and expansion plan, which can provide decision-making reference.
keywords:energy planning  satisfaction degree method  mixed integer linear programming  the best optimal solution  the worst optimal solution
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