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陈一鸣,王苗苗 (长沙理工大学 经济与管理学院湖南 长沙 410114) 
中文关键词:信息技术产业  股权结构  公司绩效  两权分离率
Research on the Influence of Shareholding Structure on the Performance of Listed Companies in Information Technology Industry
Abstract:This paper selected the listed companies with different equity properties in A-share information technology industry from 2012 to 2016 in China as samples to study the effects of shareholding structure on company performance by using Pearson correlation test and SPSS multiple regression analysis methods, and then the countermeasures and suggestions were proposed. The study suggests that the separation rate of the two rights of listed companies in information technology industry has moderating effects on the relationship between shareholding structure and corporate performance; the equity restriction ratio has a significant positive correlation with the performance of state-owned enterprises in information technology industry; in private-owned enterprises in information technology industry, when the two rights are not separated, there is a positive correlation between equity concentration and performance and when the two rights are separated, there is a negative correlation between equity restriction ratio and performance.
keywords:information technology industry  shareholding structure  company performance  separation rate of two rights
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