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万昭曼a,胡朝明b (中南大学 a资源加工与生物工程学院b数学与统计学院 湖南 长沙 410083) 
中文关键词:运筹学  销售策略  非线性混合整数规划模型  线上零售商
Analysis on Differences of Sale Strategies and Optimal Portfolio for Online Retailers
Abstract:With rapid development of online retailing, investigation on optimal online retail strategy is significant for improving online retailer's decision-making level and maintaining healthy development of online retailing industry. In this paper, a survey on the existing results on optimization to online retail strategies is first made. Then, by mathematical methods, relations and differences between two popular sale strategies are studied. Taking into account the impact of market share on consumption behavior and demand, a mixed nonlinear integer programming model is constructed for online retailers, and optimal sale strategies are obtained based on the analysis of the model.
keywords:operations research  sale strategy  nonlinear mixed integer programming model  online retailer
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