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李楚进,张翠霞 (华中科技大学 数学与统计学院湖北 武汉 430074) 
中文关键词:应用统计数学;分位回归;自适应LASSO  变量选择;二元选择模型
Improvement of Binary Quantile Regression Based on Adaptive LASSO
Abstract:Binary quantile regression model with the adaptive LASSO penalty is proposed for overfitting problems by presenting a Bayesian Gibbs sampling algorithm to estimate parameters. In the process of sampling, the restriction on ‖β‖=1 is motivated to improve the stability of the sampling values. Numerical analysis show there are better improvements of the proposed method in parameter estimation, variable selection and classification.
keywords:applied statistics & mathematics  quantile regression  adaptive LASSO  variable selection  binary regression
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