引用本文:杨 进,陈 亮.基于小波神经网络与ARIMA组合模型在股票预测中的应用[J].经济数学,2018,(2):62-67
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杨 进,陈 亮 (上海理工大学 理学院 上海 200093) 
中文关键词:应用数学;组合预测股票价格  ARIMA模型;小波神经网络
The Application in Stock Prediction of Combination Forecast Model of Wavelet Neural Network and ARIMA
Abstract:To realize the prediction capacity of short-term stock price, an integrated prediction model is proposed based on Wavelet Neural Network (WNN) and ARIMA. The stock price data is firstly divided into linear parts and nonlinear parts. On this basis, ARIMA model is used to predict the linear parts and get the first result. WNN model is used to predict the nonlinear parts and get another result. Finally, the final prediction result of the stock price is obtained by adding the two partial results. The final prediction result is better than those obtained by other neural networks, which verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed model of predicting stock price.
keywords:applied mathematics  combination forecast for stock price  ARIMA model  wavelet neural network
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