引用本文:张 蕾,孙德山,张文政,王 玥.基于灰色关联分析的支持向量机的铁路货运量预测研究[J].经济数学,2018,(2):58-61
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张 蕾,孙德山,张文政,王 玥 (辽宁师范大学 数学学院,辽宁 大连 116029) 
中文关键词:铁路货运量预测  灰色关联分析  支持向量机
Research on the Rail freight Volumes Forecast by Support Vector Machine and Gray Relational Analysis
Abstract:Using the method of support vector machine which is based on grey correlation analysis to predict railway freight volume. Firstly, using the gray correlation analysis method to analyze the influencing factors of railway freight volume, Secondly using the support vector regression which is based on the Gauss kernel function to establish the prediction model of the volume of railway freight. By analyzing the prediction results, we can find that the support vector machine model which is analyzed by the gray correlation analysis method can process the complex date of the volume of railway freight well, and the relative error of the prediction is relatively smal. Especially, due to the adaptability of support vector machine, the model has a high ability of generalization, and it can provide a reference for the prediction problems with complex factors and small sample size.
keywords:applied mathematics  forecast of railway freight volume  grey relational analysis  support vector machine
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