引用本文:陶 为 群.将生产资料分类的社会扩大再生产图解法[J].经济数学,2018,(2):25-29
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陶 为 群 (中国人民银行 南京分行江苏 南京 210004) 
中文关键词:政治经济学;社会扩大再生产  图解法  生产资料;分类
A Graphing Method for Solution to the Social Reproduction Expansion with Classified Means of Production
Abstract:By means of graphing method in space analytic geometry, this paper intuitively and easily got solution to the social reproduction expansion with classified means of production and sufficient and necessary conditions for the solution .
keywords:political economy  social reproduction expansion  graphing method for solution  means of production  classification
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