引用本文:范 馨 月1,2.精神疾病患者经济负担分析及预测[J].经济数学,2019,(1):79-83
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范 馨 月1,2 (1.贵州大学 贵州省公共大数据重点实验室, 贵州 贵阳 5500252.贵州大学 数学与统计学院贵州 贵阳 550025) 
中文关键词:精神疾病  统计分析  RBF神经网络
Analysis and Prediction of Economic Burden of Mental Patients
Abstract:The number and cost of patients in a specialist hospital of a mental disease were analyzed. The radial basis function (RBF) neural network model was used to fit and predict the cost of the patients with mental illness, and the prediction results of the prediction model and the BP neural network were compared. The patients' prescription data in the hospital HIS system of a psychiatric hospital of Guizhou province from January 2015 to December 2016 were used as the training set, and the BP model and RBF neural network model were established. The patients' mental illness expenses were predicted from January 1 to 16, 2017. The RBF neural network model can better fit and predict the cost of patients with mental disease. It can provide the basis for the hospital managers to understand the change trend of the hospital psychiatric patients' medical expenses, and provide data support for the related policies of the disease burden of mental patients.
keywords:mental illness  statistical analysis  RBF neural network
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