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徐玉华1,2,克忠义1,杜明娟1,白雪寒1 (1.南京审计大学 金融学院, 江苏 南京, 211815
2. 南京审计大学 江苏金融工程重点实验室江苏 南京, 211815) 
中文关键词:动力学  时间序列  混沌
Analysis of Economic Time Series Based On the Perspective of Dynamics
Abstract:Based on the data of Chinese education development level, the number of employed persons and the actual capital stock from 1978 to 2014, the model was established by applying the principle of dynamics, the stability of the model equilibrium solution was discussed, and the economic system was analyzed by the dynamic behavior of the external disturbance. The results show that the system chaos effect caused by external disturbance will affect the normal operation of the economic system, it is necessary for managers to put forward effective control measures for the economic system. Therefore, the paper provides a visual angle for the microscopic characterization of time series dynamics based on the kinetic principle.
keywords:dynamics  time series  chaos
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