缩小高教城乡差别的链式模型分析 |
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引用本文:李 理,单而芳.缩小高教城乡差别的链式模型分析[J].经济数学,2017,(4):58-61 |
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中文摘要:针对不同家庭背景的高考考生录取率有一定差异的情况,运用链式模型分析,从理论上证明了这种差异对高等教育普及的显著影响.说明了高等教育的普及必须在通过城镇化的同时,提高农村中学教育水准,这样才能提高农村考生的高考录取率,缩小贫困人口的代际转移的比例.该模型表明,在录取率不变的情况下,约经过4代人高教普及率将呈稳定状态. |
中文关键词:教育公平 链式模型 代际传递 |
Chained Analysis on Fairness of College Education Between Cities and Countryside |
Abstract:Graduates of high schools from different families have different ratios to enter colleges. Using chained model, this article discussed the influence on the population of college education in China by such different ratios. It is shown that we should pay more attention to improving the high schools in countryside, and make more students college candidate during urbanization. This would minimize intergenerational transmission ratio. The model showed that after 4 generations the college education popularity rate would be stable at a stable level. |
keywords:fairness of education chained model intergenerational transmission |
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