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谢小凤1,2,李泽民3,周宗放1 (1. 电子科技大学 经济与管理学院 四川 成都 6117312. 成都东软学院 基础教学部四川 成都 6118443. 重庆大学 数学与统计学院重庆 400044) 
中文关键词:SKT广义不变凸  似凸  非线性规划  F-J鞍点  K-T鞍点  充要条件
Study on Saddle Point Characteristics of SKT Invariant Convex Nonlinear Programming
Abstract:A new class of nonlinear programming,i.e., SKT invariant convex nonlinear programming (abbreviated as SKT invariant convex) ,was proposed.On the basis of the real linear normed space, the concepts of Fritz-John point and Fritz-John saddle point, Kuhn-Tucker point and Kuhn-Tucker saddle point were given, and the characteristics of the two saddle points were discussed.Finally, based on the concept of SKT invariant and quasi convex, the characteristics of saddle points were further extended.
keywords:SKT generalized invariant convex  pseudo-convex  nonlinear programming  F-J saddle point  K-T saddle point  necessary and sufficient condition
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