引用本文:戴 钰.中国雾霾成因溯源及其防治研究[J].经济数学,2017,(4):14-20
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戴 钰 (长沙理工大学 文法学院 湖南 长沙 410076) 
中文关键词:大气环境学  雾霾  PM2.5  生态环境治理
An Research on the Influence Factors,Prevention and Control of Chinese Haze Pollution
Abstract:On the basis of the PM2.5 concentration data of the provinces in China,this paper studied the factors of haze pollution in three aspects: regional factors, physical factors and social factors. In regional factors, through comparative analysis of Beijing, Tianjin, the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta region and haze pollution difference between North and South, East and West Central, the nationwide situation of haze pollution can be learned and the interaction among the adjacent regions’ haze pollution can be obtained. In physical and social factors, the multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the factors indicators and factors’ mechanism. The conclusion is that our haze pollution is affected by regions, population density, emissions, industry structure and so on. Moreover, on the basis of the results of influencing factors, specific recommendations about how to control haze pollution in our country were put forward.
keywords:atmospheric environment  haze pollution  PM2.5  ecological environment management
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