引用本文:权 蓉,颜荣芳.随机中断和随机需求下闭环供应链最优回收定价模型[J].经济数学,2017,(3):59-65
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权 蓉,颜荣芳 (西北师范大学 数学与统计学院甘肃 兰州 730070) 
中文关键词:随机中断  差别定价  闭环供应链  博弈论
Optimal Collection Pricing Model for Closed-Loop Supply Chain under Stochastic Disruption and Stochastic Demand
Abstract:This paper discussed the problem of the differential pricing of closed-loop supply chain consist of one manufacturer,one retailer and a third party recycler.Based on the theory and method of game theory,we established the third party collection pricing model under the situation of centralized and decentralized decision-making,and provided the optimal pricing strategy combination of closed-loop supply chain under stochastic disruption and stochastic demand.Finally,the numerical example illustrated how the supply disruption affected the optimal wholesale price and retail price.
keywords:stochastic disruption  differential pricing  closed-loop suppluchain  game theory
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