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刘久彪 (天津财经大学 经济学院天津 河西300222) 
中文关键词:金融管理学  信用组合  马尔可夫方法  违约传染  平均域模型
Mean-Field Model of Default Contagion Based on theMarkovian Approach
Abstract:The credit portfolio was divided into several homogeneous sub-portfolio by mean-field model,and the company’s default intensity was assumed to depend on macroeconomic conditions and the number of defaulted companies in the sub-portfolio in order to characterize the interaction among different companies.Then,the portfolio default process was modeled as a continuous-time Markov chain,and credit portfolio loss distribution was solved by Kolmogorov differential equation.Finally,we analyzed the influence of default contagion on the portfolio loss distribution and risk measure by the examples.
keywords:financial management  credit portfolio  markovian approach  default contagion  mean-field model
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