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何朝晖 (湖南大学 经济与贸易学院湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:互联网+  居家养老  政府  企业
Research on the Development of Senior Citizens’ Home-based Care Service against the Background of “Internet +”
Abstract:The development and widely use of the Internet have solved many problems of senior citizens’ home-based care. However, there are problems still existing such as single service type, low quality of service, no established industrial system and imperfect industrial chain. Home-based care depends on the regulation of the market, but as a cause of social welfare, it cannot be operated smoothly without the government’s guidance, support and supervision. Here in this paper game theory is used to analyze the behavior between the government and the enterprise, and then suggestions of how to develop senior citizens’ home-based care are put forward from the conclusion.
keywords:Internet +  senior citizens’ home-based care  government  enterprise
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