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何胜美,方茂扬,王响 (广东金融学院 肇庆校区广东 肇庆526040) 
中文关键词:数理经济学  财务预警模型  加权Logistic回归  不平衡数据
Prediction of Financial DistressUsing Weighted Logistics Regression with Misclassification Cost
Abstract:The estimated coefficients and probability are biased in Prediction of Financial Distress with traditional 1:1 sample ratio,and the sample data based on the whole market is highly imbalanced.So in order to overcome the influence of imbalance,the misclassification cost of two kinds of companies was analyzed.Taking misclassification cost of ST Company as the weight,minimizing the weighted log likelihood loss function,a weighted Logistic regression model was used in Prediction of Financial Distress.The empirical results show that the weighted Logistic regression model has perfect effect.The recognition rate between normal financial company and ST company on training data in 2007 year was 89.43% and 93.33%,respectively;while the recognition rate of the two types of company is 92.1% and 95.83%,respectively,in the independent test sample in 2008 year.
keywords:mathematical economics  financial distress prediction  weighted logistics regression  imbalanced data
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