引用本文:李 波,朱恩文,冯 倩.基于时间序列的长沙市PM2.5的统计分析[J].经济数学,2017,(1):105-110
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李 波,朱恩文,冯 倩 (长沙理工大学 数学与统计学院湖南 长沙 410114) 
中文关键词:PM2.5;AQI  多元回归模型  ARMA
Statistical Analysis of Changsha PM2.5 Based on Time Series
Abstract:PM2.5 gradually becomes the focus of attention. We analyzed the correlation between monitoring index of air pollution PM2.5 and S02,N02,PM10,CO,O3,and found that PM2.5 was associated positively with SO2,NO2,PM10,CO,and negatively with O3.Then through establishing Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model(ARMA) to predict the PM2.5 in Changsha,we got ARMA(3,2) is the best .Last, we provide some references to the control of PM2.5 in Changsha.
keywords:PM2.5  AQI  multivariate regression model  ARMA
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