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黄丽坤 (中山大学 国际金融学院广东 珠海 519082) 
中文关键词:文化创意产业  空间布局  发展模式
Comparative Research on the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industry in Beijing and Shanghai
Abstract:The Cultural and Creative Industry in Beijing and Shanghai has developed rapidly and become the pillar industry. Beijing has formed the space development layout of “one core, two axes and multi center area” and Shanghai has formed the layout of “a shaft, along the rivers and multi ring”. The “3+3+X” model of the cultural and creative industry in Beijing is based on Beijing school culture and capital culture,while “5+3+3” model of the cultural and creative industry in Shanghai is based on Shanghai culture and international economic center. The zone development of Beijing and Shanghai has head for government-led model from the spontaneous model through multi investment and financing systems.
keywords:cultural and creative industry  space layout  development model
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