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曹虹剑,余文斗 (湖南师范大学 商学院湖南 长沙 410081) 
中文关键词:战略性新兴产业  国际竞争力  新钻石模型  评价  因子分析
The Evaluation on International Competitiveness of Strategic Emerging Industry in China
Abstract:Based on the "new diamond model", this paper constructsed the evaluation index system of international competitiveness of strategic emerging industries from three dimensions: industrial environment, industrial support and industrial innovation. Factor analysis was performed by using the panel data (2005~2014) to analyze the strategic emerging industries.The results indicate that the international competitiveness of electronic and communication device manufacturing and medicine manufacturing is obviously higher than that of computer and office equipment manufacturing, and medical equipment and instrumentation manufacturing. Aviation and spacecraft equipment manufacturing industry has great potential to enhance international competitiveness. The innovation capability of electronic and communication equipment manufacturing industry is outstanding, while the overall innovation ability of strategic emerging industries is low.
keywords:strategic emerging industry  international competitiveness  new diamond model  evaluation  factor analysis
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