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蒲龙 (中国人民大学 财政金融学院北京100872) 
中文关键词:福利性支出  生产性支出  扭曲性税收  内生贴现因子
The Compositions of Government Expenditure, Distortionary Taxation and Endogenous Time Preference
Abstract:In an infinite-horizon model,Assuming that economic agents have full predictability,with endogenous time preference,we reconsider the impact of the compositions of government expenditure and distorting taxes on macroeconomic variables,especially focusing on the impact of these two variables of long-term and short-term change on the path of capital accumulation. Theoretical model shows that, when the discount factor is endogenous, the structure of government expenditure and distorting tax will make the macro economy more complex, particularly on the productive expenditure.
keywords:consumption expenditure  infrastructure expenditure  distortionary taxation  endogenous time preference
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