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左勇华,卢美华 (1.江西师范大学 数学与信息科学学院,江西 南昌330022
2.清华大学 深圳研究生院广东 深圳518055
3.江西科技学院理科部江西 南昌332200) 
中文摘要:建立了全新的集合族空间, 讨论了公共元的通有稳定性, 得到了闭集族空间上的交运算在Hausdorff拓扑下的上半连续性,并研究了重合点的通有稳定性.
中文关键词:集合族空间  公共元  重合点
On Continuity of Inter-Section SymbolbB@ s Operation and Generic Stability of Coincident Point
Abstract:A family-of-set space was established,and its common elements’ generic stability was studied. The upper semi-continuity of operation of sets’ intersection in family-of-closed-set space was obtained,and the generic stability of coincident pointis was studied.
keywords:family-of-set space  common elements  coincident point
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