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王彦朝 (四川师范大学 数学与软件科学学院,四川 成都 610066) 
中文摘要:首先分析了一种只是纯粹考虑了数学意义的蛛网模型的稳定点求法,并指出其不妥之处在于没有考虑到经济情况的证明问题,这样使利用这类蛛网模型解决的问题缺乏有效的支撑.因此给出综合考虑了数学和经济意义下的蛛网模型的稳定点存在的证明,再应用常微分方程的特征值求法对收敛型的蛛网模型的稳定点求法进行三种情况的分别讨论,最后给出了差分方程形式下的蛛网模型的稳定点的特征值求法并猜想蛛网模型是否具有Markov Proc.性质.
中文关键词:经济数学  分析性质  蛛网模型  稳定点  特征值求法
Property Analysis of the Cobweb Model
Abstract:First analysis of a simply consider the stationary point of the mathematical meaning of the cobweb model method, and points out its inadequacies is without taking into account the economic situation has proved problematic, so use this kind of cobweb model to solve the problem of the lack of effective support. Therefore gives a comprehensive account of the mathematical and economic significance of the cobweb model stability proof, again using the ordinary differential equation of the characteristic value calculating method of convergent cobweb model of stable point method for three cases were discussed, finally gives the poor points form equation under the cobweb model of stable point feature value method to calculate and guess the cobweb model is Markov proc. properties.
keywords:economic mathematics  property analysis  cobweb model  stable point  characteristic value method
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