引用本文:闫 春, 李延星, 陈祥辉, 邱艺伟.分层广义线性模型在准备金评估中的建模研究[J].经济数学,2016,(3):99-106
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闫 春, 李延星, 陈祥辉, 邱艺伟 (山东科技大学 数学与系统科学学院, 山东 青岛 266590) 
中文关键词:保险数学  分层广义线性模型  h-似然函数  预测误差
Modeling Study of Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model in the Assessment of the Reserve
Abstract:By considering the longitudinal characteristics of repeated measurements over time of loss for a given accident year in the loss runoff triangles and regarding the loss runoff triangles as hierarchical data, this paper established a hierarchical generalized linear model. Compared with the usual stochastic model, the hierarchical generalized linear model can choose the distribution of conditional response variables and the distribution of risk parameters is more extensive. Using the h-likelihood function to estimate the model parameters of the hierarchical generalized linear model, the calculation amount was reduced. In order to make the model to be comparable, the prediction accuracy of the model was evaluated, and the estimation formula of the model prediction error was derived. In order to make full use of the known payment information, a two-stage hierarchical generalized linear model was established to consider two payment information -the number of compensation and the amount of compensation. The linear prediction considers the distribution parameters of fixed effects, random effects and the distribution parameters of the model structure. The research shows that the hierarchical generalized linear model has good adaptability to all kinds of distribution and form of the data, and it is more consistent with the real payment rule in the insurance practice.
keywords:insurance mathematics  hierarchical generalized linear model  h-likelihood function  prediction error
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