引用本文:汪政元, 伍业锋.基于贡献度随机森林模型的公司债信用风险实证分析[J].经济数学,2016,(3):33-40
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汪政元, 伍业锋 (暨南大学 经济学院广东 广州 510632) 
中文关键词:财务管理;违约预测;实证分析  贡献度随机森林  连续属性离散化  WOE变换
The Empirical Analysis of the Credit Risk of Corporate Bond Based on the Contribution Random Forest Model
Abstract:The contribution forest model(CRF) was used to research the inner connection between the corporate bonds and its financial index ratio,. The method of discretization and WOE transformation were applied to reduce the dimension of these indexes. The results show that the CRF model's performance significantly outperforms the other models, and the performance of the model on test dataset reaches a accuracy of 90.47%. And the other assessment indexes,AUC statistics, AR ratio and K-S values, are improved by 2.6%, 7.6%, 4.38%. Furthermore, the contribution of variables evaluated its influence on probability of default in a quantitative way, which provides a new point of view to interpret the process of forecast of random forest.
keywords:financial management  default prediction  empirical analysis  contribution andom forest model  discretization  WOE transformation
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